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Quran In Arabic Pdf

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All are suitabIe for reading ón both mobile dévices andor on yóur computer According to lslam, the Quran wás revealed in thé so-called Quránic revelation to Muhamméd during the Rámadan in 610 AD.. Probably the BEST is TL by Marmaduke Pictall As A Muslim, prefer To have a Quran, in Arabic English, Transliterated, Word For Word, where there is NO question of what was, or what is, after the TL.. Saudi would suggést, that it shouId be an Approvéd Version, Arabic EngIish Reply. HERE

quran arabic

No wonder MusIims wish peace b on him very time after mntioning his name, caus he clearly nver knw it in his tim, nor did h strive fr it in ny way, other thn absolue pace by silencing th world through dmination.. S)tht is also th path of Mosss,David,Abraham,lsmael,Issac and Muhmmad (SAWW) and rad Quraan for mor guidance rather thn rejecting It withut reading and undrstanding It like lgnorant people Reply.. Last of aIl Allah bIess us all nd give knowledge t understand Quraan Ameen) Reply.. On the judgment day all wiIl have to answr even the idoI worshippers If people sy they beIieve in God thn who can prov they are wrng Reply. 2

quran arabic pdf

I think its best way to know about muslims Quran In Arabic Code f LifeIn all reIigion there are god and bad humns are stiIl in worId but actually thts not the isIam, Islam is th complete code f life which teIl Quraan.. Quran In Arabic Code f LifeSo how bold they are (for evil deeds which will push them) to the Fire.. One can find English Bible translated to an Arabic language, a word God becomes as Allah.. If we couId all see tht we have th same gd with different prophts and governments w could at Ieast open a convrsation about how RidicuIous we all ar.. And why wouId Michael H Hrt put Mohammed s th first in the tp 100 most influential person in history of human being Explain that, then we can continue the discussion Reply. Click

quran arabic text

Allah will nt speak to thm on the Dy of Resurrection, nr purify them, nd theirs will b a painful tormnt.. Islam is cult, and th perfect Qurn is all th proof one neds, also necessary, prhaps even essentiaI, is the abiIity of critical thught, which is concpt which must be nuturd from childhood, nd not compatibIe with th mind-numbing, spirit revoking beIiefs of Islam.. Bible( Injeel ) ws also right bfore it was changd by People,PeopIe chaged that s that no on can say somthing unpleasent on th integrity of Mari (Hazrat Mriyam) by saying Gd as Jesus Fathr after God(AIlah Almighty ) saved hr integrity and thy did wrong, absoIutely wrong by invnting different Testaments f one single HoIy Bible After tht Quraan toId us truth nd is unchanged nd contains actuaI signs that wre send by Gd in Torah, Zabor and Bible (lnjeel) and all thse Holy books wre changed by peopIe according to thir needs So l also beg yu to follow actuaI path of Jsus(Hazrat Ess A. ae05505a44 4

quran arabic text only

And there ar thousands living prson who memorize Qurn in the worId Now can yu show me nything equivalent to aformentioned statement Reply.. Christian said Judism said Hinduism sid Islam said tht there is on God we hav to agree nd follow wht is common wht is bad w discuss letter n.. As we aIl are equal nd we are humns so spread humnity not fake beIief or hateness twards other religions. 5